Thursday, August 7, 2008


Thanks to everybody who wished me luck, gave me advice, and said nice things to me when it felt like my brain was leaking out of my ears. Especially messages that T. sent me saying things like, "Stand up to it... be a woman. You go, you see, you conquer," the email A. sent me which I probably read 50+ times the night before, and international text messages (I didn't know this was possible??). Thanks guys.


Monday, August 4, 2008

The past increases, the future recedes.

So last week, while I was on a break from the MCAT (like I am now, har har) j. and I met up in the evening. We went to this late night HK-style café that had really cheap and delicious (not being sarcastic) offerings like "Ice Cream Sunday" and "Mi Ni Ham Macaroni Soup."

"I love mussels!" Just say that out loud.

Mi Ni Macaroni Soup was delicious! Do people really eat this in Hong Kong?

Afterwards, we went to Q-Cup where we proceeded to terrify all of its patrons.

We were trying to be fobby... but it just...

Moon power!

Don't you just want to hang out with us? Like right now??

P.S. Why I love Weeds:
“Silas, look,” says Uncle Andy. They’re squatting in Andy’s foil-insulated drug van. “Life is just blah blah blah. You hope for blah and sometimes you find it. But mostly it’s blah. And waiting for blah. And hoping you were right about the blahs you made. And then just when you think you’ve got the whole blah-damn thing figured out, and surrounded by the ones you blah, death shows up. And blah. Blah. Blah.”

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

easy beats & olympeeks

Hahaha... thumbs up to China for an incredibly raucous cheer.

Official Olympics Cheer

Well, I guess what they lack in the wow factor, they'll make up for in volume.
I particularly enjoyed a comment left on that page...

"I watched Olympic cheering practice for workers at a factory a few months ago. It was indeed truly weird, but it has to be said the participants seemed to enjoy themselves greatly. I think the government is concerned that Chinese spectators, many of whom are not experienced in watching, say, premier league football games, might not quite know what to do, and either take a lead from the European mentors they see on TV and begin hurling racist abuse at the athletes, or revert to the China of their childhoods and starting chanting in unison "Smash the imperialist running dogs! This would not be good."


Fremont Wine & Arts festival vs. assigned library improvement proposal...
*music gang sign*

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