We're so close to reaching that famous happy ending
So I'm a news fanatic. I refresh Google News every 5 minutes and read New York Magazine religiously, as well as the New York Times, the Economist, and Newsweek whenever I feel like being less trashy. Nevertheless, NY Mag is unbeatable in its flippant headlines and articles like the Idiot's Guide to the Fannie & Freddie fiasco (by idiots, for idiots- "Who are these farm children anyway, and why are they in trouble?"), not to mention the Fug Girls and Cult of Personality.Anyway, I'm usually a raw fish kind of girl (the more hamachi the better), and back when I used to eat meat, I loved rare steak. But I am pretty much down for whatever, so when my friend suggested Akadai, which is known for its baked sushi, I readily agreed.
Funnily enough, my friend is on a diet. I told him to just get sashimi (good protein and no carbs, not to mention omega-3 fatty acids! Which I know how to draw, ha ha) but he was like: "Hell naw beezy! I want sushi."
"If you're on a diet, you should eat sushi more often; it's healthy for you." "Not that fake shit we eat!"

I can't say whether this is as good as it looks because the puffy glazed-ness kind of reminds me of a blastula. Ew, why did I just think that?
It was all right, but still, fake shit is fake shit, and baked salmon encrusted in tempura drizzled over in layers of cream reminds me of a McDonald's Fish-O-Fillet gone essentially white food masquerading under Asian names à la P. F. Chang's. Or maybe I'm just grumpy because I didn't have any hamachi.
Anyway, a couple of wasps have started building a nest next to my window.

Labels: ♡L, articles, being owned, sushi
:-{ muuu you went without me!!!
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