What am I supposed to do
Against cute, useless things, I am pretty much helpless. I can't resist hearts, stars, flowers, and everything else girly and cliché. I'm like the perfect consumer that the POM Tea marketing team must have had in mind when they were brainstorming ways to sucker customers into buying their products despite the shitty taste and bewildering sugar content. I used to buy them in the dozens because I just had to have those perfect glass cylinders with the ultra cute logos emblazoned in front. Even though I didn't keep any of them.The amount of genuinely useless Monokuro Boo merchandise I possess is also shameful considering I am no longer twelve.
Anyway, the tokidoki logo is really cute too.

No, I won't get a tan. Or turn down the brightness.
: rofl ur blog is so ....
: hahahaha.
♡L: what is that supposed to mean......
: dude im hella high right now
: goddamn
Labels: ♡L, cute useless things, IM conversations, Monokuro Boo, POM Tea, tokidoki
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